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Classics: Reload. Do Literary Masterpieces Need New Translations?
DISCUSSION20.08., godz. 15:00
A translator from Spanish, Portuguese, and English, he has so far translated over 70 books including Fernando Pessoa’s poetry, Cervantes’ Don Quixote, as well as novels by José Saramago, Maria Vargas Llosa, Javier Marías, António Lobo Antunes, Antonio Muñoz Molina, and Clarice Lispector. He is an editor for the Rebis publishing house (Poznan), in which he is responsible for their Brazilian literature series, and a lecturer at the Institute of Romance Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University. He has written numerous studies of the contemporary Spanish, Portuguese, and African literature, as well as editing with Arkadiusz Żychliński a number of collective critical works: Eternal crusade. Sketches of Don Quixote, The world of stories José Saramago, Spectrum Mariasa, Cathedral Bolaño, The factor Borgesa, Amendments Bernharda. He is also the author of El realismo mágico en la perspectiva Europea. El caso de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and Between luzotropicism and luzophony. Political conditions of changes in African literature of the Portuguese language.
pic. from the autor's archive