Magdalena Kicińska Literacki Sopot media


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23.08., godz. 17:00


A reporter, the editor-in-chief in Pismo. Magazyn Opinii, she has written for Gazeta WyborczaPolityka, and Tygodnik Powszechny. The laureate of Grand Press 2017 in the ‘Interview’ category, she was also long-listed for Teresa Torańska prize and Mediatory 2016. Her Pani Stefa (Czarne, 2015) has won her the 2016 literary award from the city of Warsaw and the 2016 Poznan literary award (Stanisław Barańczak scholarship for a young writer), as well as being long-listed for Gryfia and the Conrad Award. With Marcin Dziedzic, she wrote Teraz '43. Losy (Wielka Litera, 2018). In February 2019, Środki transportu, her first volume of poetry, was published by Wydawnictwo Literackie.

pic. Anna Wanat