Joanna Gierak-Onoszko Literacki Sopot media


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Canada’s First Nations

21.08., godz. 15:00


The author of the critically acclaimed piece of reportage 27 śmierci Toby’ego Obeda on the challenges connected with righting the wrongs done to the indigenous Canadians. Until 2018, she wrote for the Polityka weekly. She has also collaborated with Duży Format, Pismo. Magazyn Opinii, and Non-fiction. A laureate of the European Commission CELA programme (Connecting Emerging Literary Artists, 2019-2023) for promising writers. Her debut about Canada was shortlisted for the Odkrycie Empiku 2019 Prize for Literature, for the MediaTORY 2019 Award in the ObserwaTOR category. She received the award for the 2019 e-book of the year from, and was shortlisted for the 2019 book of the year award from Lubimyczytać.pl for nonfiction and commentaries. She won the award for the best press report at the Festiwal Wrażliwy for a rescue story about a dog from Aleppo (2017). She was shortlisted for Polsko-Niemiecka Nagroda Dziennikarska im. Tadeusza Mazowieckiego for her account on the doctors and volunteers from Berlin, working with the refugees (2015).

pic. Edyta Wojciechowska